Planarias No Aquario Como Resolver?

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Boas tenho algumas planarias no aqua e queria acabar com elas é que por agora esta controlado mas qd n estiver pode tornar-se numa situação irremediavel, estive a ver na net e vi o FLATWORM EXIT dá para aquarios de agua doce???


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Pesquisei e encontrei :

Aquarium Additives/Supplements. Aquarium supplies for your tropical fish, saltwater fish, reef aquarium, marine fish & saltwater aquarium.

Salifert Flatworm Exit is a safe solution to get rid of flatworms in your tank. It is perfectly harmless for the reef inhabitants, both fish and invertebrates, but definitely deadly for the flatworms. Flatworm body juice can be toxic for the reef when present in high concentration. Flatworm eXit treats up to 300 gallons.


Tens é de traduzri ams percebese .


O que o google faz :roll: !

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Pesquisei e encontrei :

Aquarium Additives/Supplements. Aquarium supplies for your tropical fish, saltwater fish, reef aquarium, marine fish & saltwater aquarium.

Salifert Flatworm Exit is a safe solution to get rid of flatworms in your tank. It is perfectly harmless for the reef inhabitants, both fish and invertebrates, but definitely deadly for the flatworms. Flatworm body juice can be toxic for the reef when present in high concentration. Flatworm eXit treats up to 300 gallons.


Tens é de traduzri ams percebese .


O que o google faz :D !



olha, em vez de meteres isso em code, porque é que nao metes em quote... fica melhor, condiz mais com a cor do forum :roll:




Aquarium Additives/Supplements. Aquarium supplies for your tropical fish, saltwater fish, reef aquarium, marine fish & saltwater aquarium.


Salifert Flatworm Exit is a safe solution to get rid of flatworms in your tank. It is perfectly harmless for the reef inhabitants, both fish and invertebrates, but definitely deadly for the flatworms. Flatworm body juice can be toxic for the reef when present in high concentration. Flatworm eXit treats up to 300 gallons.


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