Ajuda Com Filtro Eheim

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Precisava que alguem que tivesse um filtro exterior Eheim 2211, ou quem por ventura souber, que me diga as medidas do mesmo: Altura e largura, para ver se cabe num móvel que eu tenho.


Muito obrigado...

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Do site da Aquaristic (http://www.aquaristic.net/aquarium/filtering/external_filters/eheim_external_filter_classic_2211.html?lang=1)



Eheim external filter classic 2211

Proven technology, balanced performance and high efficiency are the hallmarks of the entry model for external EHEIM filters.



- With filter insert for easy cleaning. (only 2213)- Silicone sealing ring for easy and safe locking after cleaning. - Sealing ring fixed to the pump head. - Alternative filling of filter media either with filter sponges or with combined media. - 3 years warranty. The filter contains in- and outlet and 3 m hose.

For aquaria up to 150 l Filtervolume: 1,3 l Pump power: 300 l/h Delivery height: 1,3 m Power consumption: 5 W Size:: 110x290 mm Hose suction side: 12 / 16 mm Hose pressure side: 9 / 12 mm

Editado por André Allen

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