bluejay Publicado Janeiro 24, 2006 Publicado Janeiro 24, 2006 Viva, há mais alguem aqui no forum que tenha destes peixes? Erpetoichthys calabaricus (reedfish) By Susan Miedler Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Polypteriformes Family: Polypteridae Genus: Erpetoichthys Species: Erpetoichthys calabaricus Find in TaxonTree [] Geographic Range Erpetoichthys calabaricus is distributed solely in tropical Africa, where it occupies habitats ranging from flowing rivers to flood plains and internal river deltas. Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (native ). Habitat Erpetoichthys calabaricus resides in the muddy/silty rivers of Africa, where, because of the muddy water, there is poor visibility. Aquatic Biomes: rivers and streams. Physical Description Erpetoichthys calabaricus has a snake-like appearance, with a yellow ventral surface and greenish black dorsal surface. This species has specialized scales, which are called ganoid scales, and it has nostrils or nares on tentacles that protrude from the head. Also on the head are passive electroreceptive organs(ampullae). This species also has one-rayed dorsal finlets instead of a singular dorsal fin. Some key physical features: bilateral symmetry . Reproduction Erpetoichthys calabaricus has external fertilization of eggs with sperm. Behavior Erpetoichthys calabaricus has no defined social system, although they tend to congregate when they are in an aquarium. In terms of behavior, their skill at capturing prey is quite interesting. This species can sense electric cues (from the gills of small crustaceans and fish) in their environment with ampullae (electroreceptors) and use this information for prey capture. Key behaviors: natatorial ; motile . Food Habits Erpetoichthys clabaricus is an omnivore. While it mainly feeds on small crustaceans, insects, and small fish, it will also sometimes feed on dead organisms and algae or other plant materials. Economic Importance for Humans: Positive Erpetoichthys calabaricus is used in the small pet trade. Conservation Status Erpetoichthys calabaricus is not endangered, although it is limited to a fairly small number of rivers. Other Comments One very interesting and quite remarkable things of this species is its primitive lungs. With these lungs, Erpetoichthys calabaricus can live up to eight hours out of the water if its skin is kept moist.
tuning_sound Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Eu tenho... Estas interessado? Abraços
Rui J. Rocha Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Daqui a nada faz 2 anos de post lol - Legend of Lusitanian Pride - Bateria para Bettas Alguns Bettas de criação minha
paulosaints Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Em tempos estive mesmo para comprar um... mas comecei a olhar bem para ele e vi-lhe nos os olhos a alma de predador... Se calhar estava errado...
gabrielgg Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 Publicado: Novembro 14, 2007 já agora aproveitando este topic... podiam-me informar de outros peixes com esta forma de "serpente", de preferencia que nao cresçam demasiado!
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