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The cabinet cuts out 2ft of the front of the tank. Hard to get a decent pic of this tank.


Tank is about on it's 4th week after total tear down.

I'll add some new stem plant sin the rear and make a nice hedge.

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Hi there!

Its a very nice Planted Aquarium, but you posted on the Marine/Reef Section.


Please ask a moderator to move this post to the correct area.


With my best regards,


Paulo Eduardo


Love the way the staurogyne is displayed through the tank.


The coffee folia add some movement to the eyes and I´m looking forward to see those Echinodorus parva (i think) full grown.


What are those on the back? (myriophylum?)


Peace and keep us posted



ShrimpRoom 31 aquas de Invertebrados Discus comunitário 950lts


De momento não poderei responder atempadamente a MPs, grato pela compreensão.




Haha, I'm not sure WHY I posted in the Marine section, well, I do have seagrasses marine tank:




This is a RARE endangered species and I got by accident, but I can grow it well.

Halophilia jonhsonii




Monderator, could you please move the topic to the sub forum?

thank you.

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Este tópico tem mais de 6 meses de antiguidade... Se fizer sentido, por favor considere criar um novo tópico em vez de reactivar este. Obrigado!

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