Preciso pedir emprestado um aquário, com dimensão
mais ou menus 130x90x90. Urgente! Para meu projecto ultimo na faculdade, vou usar lo por 4-6 dias. Obrigada por sua atencão. Eu moro em Matosinhos, Porto.
I am not Portuguese, there for I am very sorry for my poor language knowledge. Currently I am in need of an aquarium, which would have dimensions similar to 130x90x90 cm. The thing is I am developing last project for my bachelors degree and the aquarium is one of the most important details. I would need it just for 4 or maximum 6 days because of the filming. Surely I cannot afford to buy an aquarium just for filming of 4-6 days. So pleas,e if somebody could give me some ideas of where I could borrow an aquarium or how to build a cheap one, I would be extremly thankfull if I could get some .
Thank you for your time.