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Tudo publicado por Nigel

  1. Bucephalandra kedagang mini in my tank :) buces kedagang mini by Nigel H, on Flickr
  2. I think you made a good choice then. I suffer from ADD which is pretty the same as ADHD w/o the hyperactivity. So I know a little what your sons is going through. Too much stress is never good I can say from experience.. Aquascaping is great way to escape hectic life for me. I wish you and your family all the best and a great new start!
  3. Thanks Bruno. I am subbed to your channel so I follow your videos to! :) In terms of testing I like to keep it simple to. When I started the hobby I wanted to test everything but many people told me not to do. I like it that way. But my scapes are relative easy plants. If you want more red plants for example I think testing is good. Why did you leave the UK if I may ask?
  4. Thanks Vera, It is an honour that I can join this forum. Very nice scapes going on here in Portugal. I am from the Netherlands but forest scapes are not very common here. In fact I never found a dutch guy who made one. :p
  5. Dia 86
  6. Thanks for feedback! My scapes ada 45p and 80 cm forests by Nigel H, on Flickr
  7. Setup Specs planted tank aquarium Tank ADA 45P 45x27x30 cm 34 litre Lighting Daytime eco 40 Hardscape Lava rock Spiderwood Substrate ADA Aqua Soil Shrimp 35 Neocaridina heteropoda var. Yellow Fish Rasbora brigittae Snails 3 Clithon sp. Plants fissidens fontanus fissidens fox flame moss weeping moss riccardia chamedryfolia crepidomanes malabaricum usuki moss riccardia sp. graeffei buce moss Co2 Pressurized CO2 with a diffusor Co2 checker edge (30 ppm) Heater Hydor eth 200 temperature 23 celcius Filter Eheim classic 150
  8. Seja bem vindo! Olhe para o meu canal Obrigado!! Hardscape hardscape planted day 1 by Nigel H, on Flickr Dia 25 ada 45p forest scape nigel day 25 by Nigel H, on Flickr Dia 42 Dia 56 ada 45p forest day 56 by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr Dia 86
  9. Nigel

    The Frontier

    Muito bom
  10. Quick scape today. Forest again :p 80x40x40 cm. Feel free to give critique hardscape 2 forest aquascape 2.0 by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  11. Hey don't worry I understand it ;). You can also use portuguese I can use translate. Aquarium is still running and will still run for another year. Tank wasn't ready for contests this year but I will enter next year. Will be my first time entering contest. Would be awesome to achieve top 500 IAPLC. Setup - Freshwater Aquarium 1 - Name of the Aquarium: Nige's forest scape 128L 2 - Date of assembly : 2 August 2017 3 - Dimensions of the aquarium : 3.1 - Gross and useful volumes 80x40x40 cm / 128L 4 - Installed Equipment : 4.1 - Filter Eheim experience 350 4.2 - Thermostat Hydor eth 200 4.3 - Lighting / Photo-period 6,5 hours / 30-40 par 4.4 - CO2 system pressurized 5 - Substrates & decorations: Ada aqua soil 5.3 - Decorations (stones, wood, etc.) Lava rock and spiderwood 6 - Fertilization (used fertilizers and fertilization plan) Tropica specialsied ferts (green bottle) 7 - Fauna: 7.1 - Quantity and species 20 green neon tetra 100+ red cherry shrimp 10 amano's (recently added) 8 - Plants: hydrocotyle tripartita cryptocoryne parva fissidens fontanus fissidens mini solenostoma tetragonum Bucephalandra 9 - Comments : 9.1 - Parameters of water (pH, gH, kH, NO2, NO3, NH3 / NH4, temperature) No testing ;) 9.2 - Frequency of WC 70% once a week
  12. Very nice scape
  13. Lovely
  14. Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate. Much things I learned from this scape my next one will be better (I guess). Hard to remove trees now they are deep in substrate. Would make a mess but you are right. I am also adding some myriophyllum guyanai n the back to create more 3d effect as my slope is flat. That is a beautiful plant (p helferi). I tried black background but my background is frosted doesn't look that nice. I like white more.
  15. Meu primeiro aquário florestal. Seja bem vindo Olhe para o meu canal Obrigado!! Dia 1 Hardscape & DSM Dia 36 Dia 60 forest scape 128l day 60 p3 by Nigel H, on Flickr Dia 75 Dia 95 day 95 forest aquascape by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr Dia 115