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Tudo publicado por Nigel

  1. Thanks man! It's always nice to have "good" photos as a memory of your aquarium. Even if you don't participate in contests IMO. :)
  2. Detail shot of the ADA 45P Forest detail shot ada 45p by nigel by Nigel H, on Flickr
  3. Want to know how I make macro photos? Some tips about: Equipment Settings Setup Watch the video below and if you have any questions please let me know :) Next video will be about post production how to make your macro shots perfect. Some macro photos: fissidens riccardia detail by Nigel H, on Flickr boraras uropthalmoides by nigel by Nigel H, on Flickr Mikrogeophagus ramirezi by Nigel H, on Flickr bucephalandra kedagang mini by Nigel H, on Flickr green neon tetra by Nigel H, on Flickr yellow shrimp by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr red cherry shrimp by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr amano shrimp by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  4. A detail macro shot of some very small fissidens fox and riccardia chamedryfolia moss on the spiderwood. Do you like moss and which one is your favourite? fissidens riccardia detail by Nigel H, on Flickr
  5. Thanks man I recently made a video about it what settings, equipment and setup I use. Yeah patience is needed for that "perfect" shot.
  6. Boraras Uropthalmoides boraras uropthalmoides by nigel by Nigel H, on Flickr
  7. You're welcome and thanks for the compliment :)
  8. Pensei que deveria postar aqui como no meu diário eu não alcanço todo mundo. Na minha opinião, este é um método muito simples, barato, mas eficaz para manter o tanque limpo quanto possível. Para muito pode resíduos orgânicos podem desencadear algas como BBA (que todos nós odiamos não nós). Itens necessários: Turquia baster Mangueira (eu uso uma mangueira de 9/12 mas qualquer pode trabalhar tbh) Laços Zip (para conectar o baster de peru para a mangueira) Veja o vídeo como funciona :)
  9. I hope I can help some people out. :) Yeah I always shoot in RAW (forgot to add in video) and do post production in Photoshop. It makes a really big difference. I want to make a video about how to use photoshop to make the final shot perfect but I am scared to make a video of this. I know almost all scapers do post production but generally only cropping is allowed. So if I make a video about it I basically tell I am cheating lol.. Don't get me wrong adding hardscape, plants with photoshop is not done. But changing some contrast and adding sharpness really helps to make the photo to a "wow" factor. Thanks my first time IAPLC :)
  10. Here is an example of using external flash. I didn't share my full tank shot because I am entering contests with it. But here is a detail shot. detail shot forest scape by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  11. Contests are coming. But how do you make the best final shot as possible? Some info about settings, equipment and setup.
  12. gggffssgsfff
  13. First final shot is done. The photo is ok but it can improve a little more. Needs some time till the back fills in more, to have less negative space. But it feels good to have a good picture already in case something happens with the tank. When contests are over I will share the final shot with you guys :) Here you can see my setup how I do final shots. I don't use my twinstar when doing final shot because it will block out light of my external flashes. I use a very small led flood light above the tank so I can still see the position of the fishes. It is a lot easier when you have a hanging kit. It takes a lot of pictures to get that one with the fish in right position. Even after 180 photos I don't have the perfect photo with them all being in a line. The black cardboard is to reduce the amount of light entering in the camera lens. final shot ada 45p setup by Nigel H, on Flickr
  14. Thanks man! ;) Yeah it takes up a lot of time making videos. Can be hard in busy life. I am gonna make 2 more final videos of my ada 45p and this forest. But this will be shared after contests.
  15. I transfered a lot of them to my ada 45p. I saw them hunting but they are very slow lol. RCS are faster so far as I can see. Thanks!
  16. My new mikrogeophagus ramirezi :) Mikrogeophagus ramirezi by Nigel H, on Flickr
  17. Bucephalandra kedagang mini bucephalandra kedagang mini by Nigel H, on Flickr
  18. Thanks guys! My green neon tetra. They really shine in my forest and school well. green neon tetra by Nigel H, on Flickr
  19. Almost ready for the final shot! :) detail shot forest scape by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  20. New Twinstar 450 e series for the ADA 45p. Lovely colors! Bought this already for the next rescape (brazil style). In that scape I will be using stems with colors so this led comes in handy. I like the design! new twinstar e series by Nigel H, on Flickr
  21. Neocaridina davidi var. Yellow yellow shrimp by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  22. Tried my macro lens again not the best shots but good enough for sharing I think! They are not the most beautiful shrimp but very effective in cleaning the tank! amano shrimp by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr red cherry shrimp by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  23. Vacation, so plenty of time to practice. what do you think? hardscape 7 forest aquascape by nigel aquascaping by Nigel H, on Flickr
  24. Hello Bruno, Thanks for your compliment. I really like forest styles so it's an honour :). I do love other styles to like mountain scape or the "brazilian style" scape but I mainly have wood in my hardscape stock. I still have much to learn and first want to master the forest styles before moving to another style. Hope to inspire you some day for a next project! Regards, Nigel