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Nigel last won the day on Agosto 16 2019

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  1. Video planting this scape. Enjoy 😄
  2. Planting time aquaflora plants aquascape by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr
  3. Nigel

    Nigel's Mountain Scape 36L

    Riccardia chamedryfolia, fissidens mini and some flame moss riccardia chamedryfolia fissidens mini moss aquascape - kopie by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr Very tiny baby shrimp. Only a few mm. Hard to photograph! On some micranthemum micranthemoides and on the right some monte carlo leaves. mm and yellow shrimp nigel aquascaping by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr
  4. Thanks for the kind words Bruno. When starting with aquascaping beside forests I also liked the brazilian styles scapes (I didn't know it was a brazilian style at first). But tbh it looked very hard to make. I did not know where to start. There are not really any guides / tips on the internet that I could find about the brazilian style. The forest style also looked "complex" to me when starting my first diorama scape. But I tried and happy with the outcome. At first I was sticking to the forest scapes but after making 2 I also wanted to do something else. For sure I will come back at a forest / jungle style once but for now let's try some mountain scapes with a lot of plants. Thanks and glad I could help! 🙂
  5. Thank you no problem! I understand your English very well 🙂 For now the plan is: Monte carlo. H pinnatifida Buce mini coin Rotala green Rotala wayanad Micranthemum micranthemoides Rotala HRA Bacopa crenata limnophila sp vietnam But the stems can change more or less.
  6. New project in the ADA 45P Cube Garden. A brazilian mountain layout try.. this hardscape really need plants to look better. Sides, middle and background will be planted with mostly stem plants. Some color as well. Please subscribe to my youtube channel Tank ADA 45P Cube Garden Hardscape Mini landscape rock LED Twinstar 450 ES Filter Eheim classic 150 Plants Stems Monte carlo H. pinnatifida Eleocharis acicularis mini Step by step hardscape
  7. Nigel

    Nigel's Mountain Scape 36L

    Maintenance day maintenance aquaflora vivarium beta tank 2 by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr
  8. Nigel

    Nigel's Mountain Scape 36L

    Day 51 shrimp nigel aquascaping by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr day 1 vs day 51 dsm by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr vivarium mountain aquascape nigel hoevenaar by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr
  9. Final video. Final shot inside 🙂
  10. First time IIAC. I entered with two tanks and placed 78 with the 80cm and 292 with the 45P. Total entries of 533 from 45 countries. Have a nice weekend! IIAC078-1 by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr
  11. Short 1 minute video with all stages of the forest. Enjoy!
  12. Different stages of my 80cm Forest. Full playlist with all videos from start to end. Please subscribe if you like my content 🙂 collage enchanted forest by nigel aquascaping by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr
  13. Nigel

    Nigel's Mountain Scape 36L

    Day 27 Some GDA on the rocks using quite some light in this scape. But I like it, gives a natural feeling. Still a way to go to get the moss in shape and stems above the rocks in the back.
  14. Awesome chance!! 😄 As I am ranked 1 of the Netherlands and in top 200 of CIAC 2018 I can go for free to the event! Flight and hotel all paid. Still can't believe it! Keep on scaping. china ciac cips by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr