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Trace Mix Solution 10g Chelated Trace Element Mix (TNC Trace, CSM+B) 250 ml Water 0.5 ml Normal Hydrochloric Acid
nb. It is preferable to make up the solutions in RO water or deionised water, but tap water can be used if need be. The hydrochloric acid is added to preserve the solution and isn't absolutely necessary if you don't have it, alternatively you may wish to substitute this with 0.25g E300 Ascorbic Acid.
Using Solutions Using the daily schedule below add the following 3 times a week: 5ml of Macro solution per 50 litres of water 2.5ml of Trace solution per 50 litres of water
Aquele doseamento, 7.5 ml por semana, assegura cerca de 0, 5 de Fe que é o recomendado, se queres menos doseia metade daquilo...