Boas, Compreendo aquilo que querem dizer, mas a minha ideia era fazer o ciclo sem peixes, até o aquário ter a amónia e nitritos a zero e depois ir lentamente introduzindo os peixes para o aquário se ir adaptando. Obviamente que depois do aquário estar em equilíbrio não vou andar a fazer testes todos os dias.. Mas sim como o JoaoRMM diz.. Li este excerto de texto sobre o ciclo com o amoníaco e faz sentido.. pelo menos para quem não percebe nada... Provavelmente os mais experientes dirão que não faz... "-The "Fishless Cycle" Using Pure Ammonia
This is the most precise method of cycling your tank. It is similar to the fish food and shrimp methods described above but the ammonia source is pure bottled ammonia. It is of utmost importance that you use only pure ammonia, not ammonia-based cleaning products that contain detergents, dyes, scents or any other chemicals as these can be harmful to your fish. How much ammonia to add depends on the concentration of the ammonia you're using but you want to add enough ammonia to bring the concentration of your tank to 3-5 ppm (this is usually 3-5 drops per ten gallons but can vary). Test the ammonia and nitrite levels every day, adding more ammonia daily as needed to keep the ammonia level at 3-5 ppm. Eventually, you'll notice that the ammonia concentration will start dropping, which goes along with an increase in nitrite. Continue dosing ammonia to the same concentration. Eventually, you'll reach the stage where enough ammonia added to bring the tank to a concentration of 3-5 ppm totally disappears within 24 hours, leaving you with nothing but nitrate. At this point the cycle is complete and you can proceed as above. The difficulty with this method is that testing and ammonia dosing have to be done at least daily. Pure ammonia can also be difficult to track down and the risks, should you use ammonia that contains other chemicals, are serious. Unlike the other methods, however, the pure ammonia method allows you complete control over the cycle and lets you know just how much ammonia your biofilter (i.e. the colonies of beneficial bacteria established during the cycle) can process in a given time period. Read more:"
Espero dar noticias boas dentro de alguns dias... quando introduzir os primeiros peixes e tudo correr bem...