Para um aquário de 60 Litros e tendo em conta o anunciado pela JBL, julgo que o 701 seria o mais indicado para esse aquário e ainda permite alguma folga para um aquário um pouco maior. Eu tenho um 901 num aquário de 135 Litros. "As usual technically, the data given on the type plates and the packaging refer to maximum IDLE RUNNING DATA of the pump, without hoses and filter media: CP e401: 450 l/h CP e701: 700 l/h CP e901: 900 l/h CP e1501: 1400 l/h CP e1901: 1900 l/h When operated in an aquarium, this data is reduced by varying degrees, depending on the length of hose and the filter media used. An accumulation of dirt in the hoses and filter media will further reduce performance. The following approximate capacities refer to a hose length of 1.5 m and operation with the supplied filter media in a clean or new condition: CP e401: 200 – 250 l/h CP e701: 350 – 400 l/h CP e901: 380 – 450 l/h CP e1501: 800 – 900 l/h CP e1901: 1100 – 1200 l/h"