Tozé Nunes

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Tudo publicado por Tozé Nunes

  1. From the album: Concurso de Hardscape Petfestival 2018

    Good but complec rock and wood hardscape. I can see it planted with lots of ferns anubias and buce, - Jurijs
  2. From the album: Concurso de Hardscape Petfestival 2018

    Slightly wild rock work, the branches seem to be all the way in the back, leaving no space for background planting - Jurijs Rank 2 is a bit more complex, at first it seems like all elements are pushed in to one visual plane at the back, but when you see it closely one can see how the background has been work to a height that gains a good depht of field effect, the elevation of susbtrate from the foregroud to background has been worked very well , and elements are also in a good proportion of the tank size, the space left for steam plants at the back is very little but still it can be arranged. What I liked the most is how the aquascper tried to send the interest of the eye to a focal point of the left, breaking and avoiding monotonus lines. - Bernardo Salas Perez
  3. From the album: Concurso de Hardscape Petfestival 2018

    Rank 7 , Brilliant under water cayon , 3D effect is perfect, the placement of the elements work very well to achieve the intetion of the scaper, one can also see the slight place left at the back for plants to be added, wich is great,. A near to perfection work , size of the elements are very subtle to the size of the tank, love it. In my opinion easy to fight for Top 3 rankings, The issue with it is that the scaper limited all the foregorund , there is no presentation to the layout, again in my opinion if we are to make an scenery of nature in any form of art, it be painting, photography, sculpture or in this case aquascape, the presentation used with the foreground is always very important, yes there has been works that rank very high with this kind of foreground use in Big international contest, but in my experince it just takes out a good feeling of entering the "world" of the scaper. its like a limitation, like a half open door, to the great master piece. - Bernardo Salas Perez
  4. From the album: Concurso de Hardscape Petfestival 2018

    Great composition made out of rocks and wood. Both are aranged in good flow and balance- Jurijs Ranking 1 is a basic composition, but the elements are well placed to give a 3D impression, the space left at the back of the hardscape will give a good area for plantig this will improve even more the 3D impression, elements have a good ratio size in relation to the tank. the presentation of the layout by the foreground is very clean.The balance of size in both sides have a slight diference , making it natural. - Bernardo Salas Perez
  5. From the album: Concurso de Hardscape Petfestival 2018

    Very interesting ohko stone diorama landscape with 3 hills. Good use of rock shape and structure- Jurijs Perfect is the word, peace full and clean arrangedment, the use of invisible triangle lines has been work very well, the feeling of an underwater cayon is easy to see, foreground presentation is very clean, could give it a higher ranking many may think,. The issue I see is the continuous parallel lines from vertical to horizontal , they are to straight with each other, at the end on a concentration observation it makes it to monotonus, the 3D efect one can see the intetion but if the aquascaper had seen the way to make atleast one side stronger , this had been ranking one, I know that working with this kind of stone is difficut, the cuts the scaper did are great, but if the scaper truly wants to master the mountain scape or iwagumi he must learn to fine tune hes eye to the detail of strengh variation from the main element , to the second , to the third ...etc - Bernardo Salas Perez
  6. Obrigado a todos pela vossa paciência! Finalmente podemos revelar os nomes dos juízes convidados que muito amavelmente aceitaram a árdua tarefa de avalizar o esforço de todos os 24 participantes. Temos como representante europeu o aquascaper alemão Jurijs Jutjajevs Da Ásia tivemos o contributo do aquascaper indonésio Herri Rasio e do continente americano o aquascaper mexicano Bernardo Salas Perez
  7. Não está nada esquecido! :) Já temos a classificação de dois dos três juízes, assim que o terceiro envie a sua pontuação faremos a soma e publicamos a tabela final.
  8. Tozé Nunes

    O Bosque.

    Totalmente de acordo! Podemos fazer coisas bonitas com muito ou com pouco, o que não se pode dispensar é falta de conhecimento para atingir os resultados pretendidos. Agora não sejas molenga e mete lá o setup completo sff :p
  9. Tozé Nunes

    O Bosque.

    Olá. Por favor coloca o setup completo. E para a próxima experimenta colocar o termômetro colado no vidro ;)
  10. Vê lá se consegues perceber o que tem o teu peixe.
  11. Esqueci me de actualizar este tópico! As minhas desculpas! Então que dizer da segunda edição do concurso de hardscape realizado na petfestival 2018? Tivemos 24 talentosos membros que durante estes três dias animaram a nossa zona. Todos receberam um prêmio de participação oferta da Ecoarium composto por produtos da Seachem. Seguem algumas fotos do evento: Entretanto o José Prada esteve a melhorar a qualidade das fotos dos hardscapes participantes e, após esse trabalho enorme, foram enviadas para três aquascapers estrangeiros. Assim que tenhamos as suas avaliações publicaremos a classificação final e serão contactados os cinco primeiros classificados para que possam receber os prémios, tal como anunciado antes.
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