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    United States

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  1. Greetings from the USA. Haven't posted in a while. The pair of Breidohri have set up breeding area behind the foliage in the tank. Every once in a while they would pop out to see what I was doing with the camera. Here's the male: Here's the female. Happy to say I DO have a female Yellow Labridens from Media Luna. Here she is in hot pursuit of one of the males. I have the five fish in a 150 gallon tank. Right now all of the males are hiding on the left side...the female is in control of the remaining 80% of the tank. A few more pictures of the P. Fredrichsthali from Cenote Escondido. Male: Male in pursuit of a female: Anyone who takes pictures of their fish knows that there is always that milisecond of a delay between when your brain instructs your finger to take the shot. Sometimes it works to your advantage. I was framing this shot of a I hit the shutter release another male intervened. It happened that quick that I didn't even realize it until I reviewd the pictures on my computer. One more... of an uncooperative Freddie making a turn as the shutter was released.
  2. Here's two nice shots of the F0 Red Tiger Motaguense from Rio Blanco. Male and female: And the female. This makes a nice companion shot to the picture of the male that I posted a couple days ago. This from the other day: And one close up of the F0 Managuense from Honduras. This guy is a real "glass banger".
  3. Thank you....and I agree. Lots of people enjoy the African cichlids. This is my passion as well.
  4. Some more photos of the Freddies. I got this first shot literally by sticking one hand in the top of the tank and waiting until they came up to nibble (bite!) my finger tips. You can see the difference in size between the largest (4") and the smallest. Some unusual angles: I do believe this is a female: And this is the largest male:
  5. Some recent photos of the male F0 Hondo Managuense. Great looking fish...and I do have fry. I angled the flash a little differently on all the shots in this series. SOme shots of the male "fatty" Zonatum. Doesn't look like he's missing many meals. LOL A nice side shot of the male Motaguense. Another fatty....the female Pearsei. More side lighting.
  6. Two shots of the H. Labridens "Media Luna" Two shots of the male Paratheraps Breidohri And the "money shot" of the F0 Red Tiger Motaguense from Rio Blanco:
  7. I took three Bifasciatum out of the pond to try and get a pair. Here's a photo of a 9" female. Same 300 gallon tank...I have a four Synspilum...three females and one ten inch male. Here's the female: Another shot of the F0 Blue Labridens Sp. Taninul: I don't take many full tank shots, but here's one I thought looked cool with the Giant Gourami, Synspilum and Bifasciatum.
  8. I don't have many full tank shots. Most of my tanks have clay posts and silk (fake) plants. Thanks for the warm greeting. Here are a few more photos. This is the male P. Breidohri at 9". I currenly have two pair in the tank...both actively breeding. This is the largest of the H. Labridens "Sp. Taninul"
  9. Greetigs from the USA. It's been a long time since I posted photos. The Managuense bred again. This female makes photos too easy to pass up. Did someone ask about Paratheraps aggression. LOL This male is particularly nasty just after a big water change. Feeling macho I guess. I have a half dozen Green Labridens in a 100 gallon tank. Still no pair. I wm going to move the six into a 180 very soon. Here's a female scooting out from her hiding place to grab a veggie flake.