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Freshwater Aquarium Book

FishLore.com's freshwater aquarium book download page. This freshwater aquarium book is FREE for anyone to download and use. Commercial use is prohibited.

To view it:
Left click on the download link below. You need a pdf reader to view it.

To save it to your desktop:
You can download this freshwater aquarium e-book by right-clicking and selecting "save as" on the pdf file below. To send it to your ipad or kindle device you can download the Send to Kindle app from amazon.com that will allow you to send the pdf file from your computer to your device. It requires that you have an amazon account though.

fishlore-freshwater-aquarium-book-sm.jpgDownload FishLore.com's Freshwater Aquarium e-Book
Updated: June 30, 2013
It's FREE!
500+ pages!
(pdf) right-click and select "save as"

This e-Book is FREE for anyone to download and use. The cool part about making it an e-book means that I can keep it updated when we publish new articles or profiles on the website. Check the download page if you want to get the latest version. I'll be sure to include the last update date so it's easy to tell if you have the latest version.

Please pardon any typos or grammatical errors. I've been in this document for many hours but I'm sure that some have slipped by. If you find any errors you can let me know by using the contact us form here: http://www.fishlore.com/fishforum/sendmessage.php

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