A cool event is upcoming in October 2011: the 75th anniversary of the Aarhus aquarists algal turbid water, an aquarium association, which was christened Aarhus Aquarium Association. This is celebrated in an appropriate manner with a huge exhibition and trade fair, and with speakers from near and far.
Takashi Amano, Peter Reiley, Chris Lukhaup, Christel Kasselmann, Hans-Georg Evers, the Loggemann brothers and more have already promised to show up. Here is the program.
22-23 October, 2011 9:00-17:00 both days
Vejlby-Risskov Hallen, Aarhus, Denmark
Vejlby Centervej 51
8240 Risskov, DENMARK
+45-87-42 62 82
In order to join this event, it is necessary to make an advance registration, and buy tickets. For details, please access to the following website.